What Makes Kindermusik So Compelling to Children

It’s More Than Just Instruments!

It’s the cutest thing to watch even a very young baby’s first responses to music and being in a Kindermusik class.  As Kindermusik educators, we have the incredible privilege of observing these young children very closely so that we can most effectively adapt and personalize the activities we teach in our Kindermusik classes.  What we have come to know about how and why Kindermusik resonates with children so strongly might surprise you.  It really is about more than just the instruments… though they do take great delight in the bells, drums, and egg shakers!

Children Love the Predictable Routines in Kindermusik

Kindermusik classes are purposely designed to have a predictably comfortable flow of activities in every lesson, although there are always happy surprises and new challenges along with the repeated activities.  The routines help children feel secure, because they know what to expect, and the new things not only help keep their brains firing and making new learning connections, but also add to the excitement and joy that fills every class.

Children Thrive on the Musical Bonding with Their Grown-ups

Ask any empty nester, and they’ll tell you wistfully that those early years go by oh-too-quickly.  So while the children absolutely adore the together time and common experience of Kindermusik with their favorite grown-up, Kindermusik gives the adults in class a chance to linger in the precious moments of early childhood just a little bit longer.  The shared memories of class time become an integral part of the happy memories of childhood.

Children Blossom as They Gain Confidence in a Group Class Setting

The beautiful thing about a Kindermusik class is the mix – the mix of personalities, learning styles, and ages in any given level.  Quieter children learn from the more outgoing children.  Visual learners become more willing to explore alongside their physically interactive peers.  Older children unconsciously take on the role as leader when the younger children move up to their same level.

Children Benefit from the Social Elements of Kindermusik class.

Even if children cannot put it into words, making friends and gaining life skills through the social interactions in every Kindermusik class are a big part of why they look forward to each weekly class.  It’s truly a beautiful thing to see many children start in Kindermusik as babies and then go on to graduate from Kindermusik together.

Every child who participates in Kindermusik classes on a consistent basis will unquestionably be a more musical, well-rounded, confident child.  But it’s really what happens in their hearts and minds as a result of being in Kindermusik that creates such a compelling, lasting, memorable, and delightful experience for them…and for their grown-ups.

Shared by Theresa Case who has loved bringing children and families together for over 20 years now in her award-winning Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in beautiful upstate South Carolina.

Come See What A Cuddle & Bounce Class Is All About On August 21st!


What?   A Cuddle & Bounce Introductory Class for Newborn to 12 Months

When?  Monday, August 21st, 6:00 – 6:40 PM

Where?  The Kindermusik Studio, 2551-F, Texas Avenue South, College Station

Tuition?  $10.00     When you join us for the school year classes at the end of the introductory class, the $10.00 will be applied to the registration fee.

Where Do I Pay?  Click HERE to find the payment button.

How Do I Know I Am Registered?  You will receive an email from Kindermusik of CS-B using the email address you use with PayPal when paying for the class.

Where Can I Find More Information About the School Year Classes?  Click HERE

Questions?  Email us at Director@nullKindermusikOfCollegeStation.com


We Can’t Wait To Meet You and Your Little One!

Just Click HERE To Register For the Introductory Class!


Your Kindermusik Perks Offered Exclusively at Kindermusik of College Station-Bryan

What Perks Can I Expect?

√ A quality Music Class that goes above and beyond expectations and that changes little brains, promotes bonding between parent and child,  creates special memories, and gives an age-appropriate musical foundation to your child.

√  A Music CD with each new unit (or Young Child semester)

√ A subscription to Kindermusik@Home including a new set of @Home Materials digitally delivered to your inbox with each new theme.

√ Unlimited Makeup Classes –just schedule in the make up books in the waiting room (Young Child parents contact their teacher).

√ Celebration Certificates

√ Helpful Resources, Tips, and Communication in and out of class to help make parenting a little easier and a whole lot more musical.

√ Kindermusik® Birthday Parties available exclusively for our currently enrolled students.

√ Special Jingle Jam Celebration in December complete with Santa Claus with no fee except for 2 canned goods per family to be given to the Brazos Valley Church Pantry.

√  Our gift to you!  A May Celebration Party that is free to all attendees.

√ Ongoing Enrollments make it easy to stay enrolled…or to pause when you need to.

√ A Free Kindermusik® T-Shirt given to each child who enrolls in September.


We know that we are a fabulous early childhood music program.  See for yourself by coming to an Introductory Class or Enrolling!


Click Here Now To Register For An Introductory Class!!


Click Here Now To Enroll!!




Looking for A Music Class for Your 4 ½ To 7 Year Old? Kindermusik for The Young Child Is the Answer!

Kindermusik for the Young Child is the capstone of the Kindermusik continuum.  We nurture your child’s love of music in these classes.   And, being that the learning takes place in a social environment, the learning is fun!

What My Child Will Learn: During the first year your child learns to read notes on the treble clef staff and to play these notes on their instrument, the glockenspiel.  The glockenspiel is a type of xylophone that is similar to the piano keyboard minus the black keys.  The second year your child continues to play the glockenspiel, but they also learn to play the dulcimer (a string folk instrument), and a recorder.

In Kindermusik for the Young Child, Students Experience a Percussion Instrument, a String Instrument, and a Wind Instrument.  With this type of learning your child will be soaring in piano or any instrument they study after graduating from Kindermusik because the ground work has been laid.  In other words, the neural connections have been created.

In Addition to Note Reading and Playing Instruments, your child will move, dance, sing, create ensembles, study famous composers, and learn about the 4 instrument families.  During these one hour classes your child will be immersed in music.   You will see your child blossom in so many ways:  cognitively, socially, physically, and emotionally.

And, You Are Involved Every Step of The Way.   You are invited into the classroom for the last ten minutes of every class.   You will know exactly how to help continue the learning at home during the week.

Won’t your child join us?  Classes start September 11th

Visit our website TODAY:   https://www.kindermusikofcollegestation.com/2017-18-young-child-year1/

New Kindermusik Units For You!

We are so looking forward to sharing new music, dances, and activities soon!



Ages newborn to 12 months

 If you think about it, your day-to-day routine is a lot like a piece of music. Ups, downs, repetitions, patterns, fast parts, slow parts, and lots (and lots) of improvising! Music Makes My Day focuses on daily rituals and parts of the day, and gets you thinking about anticipation, improvisation, singing, instruments, new rituals, and other ways to make your same-old routine fun and musical.   You will feel so connected to the other parents and children talking and singing about your daily routines with your baby!



 Ages 12 – 24 months     

For toddlers, “family” means everyone who loves them! They are often surrounded by family members, friends, and other loving caregivers who look after them and shape their days. Family All Around Me celebrates these bonds and offers lots of opportunities for fun, connection, movement, and instrument play.   Such wonderful memories are made in this class!


                                            Ages 2 – 3 1/2 years

Sing, dance, rhyme, move, and play your way through this celebration of why our very special Family & Friends matter so much! Using our imaginations, we’ll visit our friends’ houses, interact with family, go to the market, play with playmates, and more.   Everyone is invited to make music with our Kindermusik family and friends!

                                                Ages 3 1/2 – 5 years

Rise and shine, weather and adventures are waiting! There are raindrops to catch and snowmen to build, wind and thunder sounds to make, and sunny-day games to play, too. I rub my eyes and what do I see? Sun, rain, wind, and snow…right Outside My Window!   Watch your child blossom through imaginative play and music!!


We Can’t Wait To See You Soon!!

Everything You Needed To Know About Kindermusik Classes


Wondering what Kindermusik is all about?  Been hearing about it?

This blog will pretty much tell you everything you have needed to know about Kindermusik.

Settle in and click here, to read what you and your child could be experiencing in a Kindermusik class!